Blumen Consulting

Who we are ?

Blumen Consulting was established in 2016 as a private company specialized in general trading and supporting business solutions for traders. Yemen is in an ongoing crisis and receives support from the humanitarian aid sectors and with the existing capacity in the country it was evident that the market still requires more specialized services to boost the humanitarian aids arriving to Yemen. Therefore, Blumen Consulting was established in Dec 2019, in order to fill the gaps and existing need to support the humanitarian sectors.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and intend to maintain its status as the ‘Consultancy Provider of Choice’. And we are underpinning our success on five core values: Excellence, Togetherness, Inspiration, Professional Intelligence and Enjoyment. Our firm is formed by a multi-professional group of specialized advisers in finance, IT solutions, business, and Human resource management with outstanding experience in the biggest Humanitarian projects in the country more recently consulting for humanitarian field operations.

Blumen Consulting

Our Mission

Blumen Consulting providing innovative solutions, strategic insights, and unparalleled expertise to empower clients to achieve their goals and drive sustainable growth.
Blumen Consulting team of experienced consultants has a deep understanding of the latest consultancies trends and best practices, and are dedicated to delivering exceptional results that exceed our clients' expectations. Blumen consulting committed to excellence, integrity, and innovation in everything we do, and are passionate about helping our clients achieve their full potential

Our vision

Our vision is to be the leading consulting firm in Yemen and internationally, and became the trusted partner for businesses and organizations, empowering them to achieve their strategic goals through innovative solutions, exceptional service, a commitment to excellence, and collaborative partnerships that drive exceptional results.
We will continue to invest in our people and our capabilities, developing new solutions and services that address the evolving needs of our clients.

Blumen Consulting
